Evidence that the Bible is a Unique Book

We believe that the Bible, word by word, is divinely inspired by God. Other than the Bible, only two books claim divine authorship: the Koran and the Book of Mormon. Leaving these aside, as we do not believe them to be divinely inspired, we are left with the Bible. When the Christian claims that the Bible is divinely inspired, he immediately ushers it out of the company of other great literary works into a category of its own. Standing alone, it is and always has been the object of intense scrutiny. In this we quite agree with Bernard Ram, professor of theology at American Baptist Theological Seminary of the West, when he writes,

No other book has been so chopped, knived, sifted, scrutinized, and vilified. What book on philosophy or religion or psychology or belles lettres of classical or modern times has been subject to such a mass attack as the Bible? with such venom and skepticism? with such thoroughness and erudition? upon every chapter, line, and tenet?

And through all of this… it still remains.

It is with this in mind that we present the following section. It draws heavily from the works of others who are eminently more qualified than we, and who have devoted their lives to the field of study commonly known as apologetics. To them we defer, but their material we present.

As anyone laboring in this field would agree, faith in Christ rests solely in that—faith in Christ. No man was ever led to Christ through intellect alone. The purpose of this section should not distract. Instead, it is presented to strengthen our faith; it is intended to demonstrate that ours is a most sound faith. If the critic of the Bible will not agree with our claim of divine authorship, he must, at the very least, admit that the Bible is a unique book. We simply present some of the facts that make it so. When weighed and considered we believe that the preponderance of evidence proves this book to be being something other than just the work of man.

Unique in its Unity and Continuity

Unique in its Influence of Western Civilization

Unique in its Availability

Unique in its Survival of Persecution

Unique in its Manuscript Evidence

Unique in its Fulfillment of its Prophecies